
Reward Yourself With “Me” Time!

GoCleanseHealth & Wellness Reward Yourself With “Me” Time!

Reward Yourself With “Me” Time!

Sometimes staying motivated requires a little incentive. Hey — there’s nothing wrong with that!   The next time you get through a really tough workout, beat your previous running time, or follow your healthy-eating plan flawlessly for a straight week, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back — do something special that’s all about you!

How about a…

  • Day of pampering
  • New haircut
  • Manicure and/or pedicure
  • Facial
  • Massage

There’s no need go to an expensive spa!  Ask a friend to let the kids stay overnight, and spend an evening soaking in a tub filled with lavender-scented essential oil. Then dive into that novel you’ve been meaning to finish.

If you’re close to your ideal weight…

  • Shop for new clothes to fit your incredibly shrinking body
  • Reward your hard work each month by picking up a new fitness accessory (a medicine ball, free weights or a pedometer)
  • Purchase a kitchen tool to help you prepare all those good-for-you meals
  • Take a stroll around your neighborhood
  • Checking out your town’s Main Street boutiques

You’ll find that a little treat goes a long way!

Remember: You should always be setting new goals and when you’ve met them, set new ones.  Moving forward is what life is all about.