Why Diets are Failing Us
It’s hardly surprising that with all the constantly-updating and contradictory information available online and in printed magazines that we are now faced with a bewildering variety of choices when it comes to how to eat, exercise and lose weight in the safest, smartest ways possible. There is no excuse for living in the past and following the old rules when we have new tools at hand. We are still planning with our lives as well as potentially those of future generations with only a handful of information – and much of it is outdated. Let’s cover a few of the major misconceptions regarding dieting and healthy eating. This article can only scratch the surface of a huge topic but as they say, every journey must start somewhere.
There are more individual diet and exercise programs in the United States today than ever in our history. Everywhere you look, there are ads, commercials, blogs and articles about losing weight. It is a national obsession. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than two thirds of Americans over age twenty are overweight, while one third are actually obese. How did this become normal? And are diets working? If not, then what actually works? As a species, we did not evolve to be overweight, tired, or unhealthy. We are excellently designed creatures. Even if you are already in great shape, I can promise you that you have the potential to improve your overall health even further. If you have been doing the best you can with the information available about health, nutrition and diets, but you making the progress you want, consider that that you may be missing a handful of pieces to the puzzle.
Pollution is one of the most important reasons that diets and exercise don’t work as well as they have in the past. Sadly, our world has become a challenging environment to live in. Even if you consume adequate servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, you are still unintentionally ingesting significant amounts of various unwanted chemicals. Every day we are exposed to toxins from industrial waste, vehicle exhaust, chemically treated water, food packaging, pesticides, chemicals in household cleaners, plastics and more.
There is now overwhelming evidence from the National Human Adipose Tissue Survey that demonstrates that environmental and ingested toxins are being stored in our fatty tissue at a rapid rate. Unfortunately, they can also be passed on to the most vulnerable among us – newborn infants, as demonstrated by studies on umbilical cords of newborns. The placenta is a miraculous conduit that acts like a pump to deliver nutrients to the developing fetus from the mother. Recent studies have found that the pump is also carrying toxins and impurities. In a study of umbilical cord blood of newborn babies, up to 287 toxic chemicals were identified in the umbilical cord blood. If babies have this many toxic chemicals in their bodies at birth without going out into the world, imagine how toxic a load we must have in our adipose fat tissue, accumulating every day as adults.
Every day, we are exposed to an unstoppable onslaught of toxins, chemicals and poisons. Most of them have never had their effects on humans tested and possibly have yet to be identified or named. As the world continues to adapt and evolve, the body does the same. Join us in part two of this series where we will identify some of these toxins for you and look at how the body is adapting to protect itself from these microscopic challenges.