Terry along with Peter and Scott start the program by talking about the "Truckers Challenge" held by Gocleanse.. The truckers stated that not only was this challenge about loosing weight and inches...
Terry talks with Peter and Scott about how the eleven day system supplies your body with massive amounts of nutrients and still are low calories, in turn your body burns fat not muscle. They also answered some questions that cleansers had about the...
Terry talks with Scott and Peter about what exactly is involved in the Protocol of the 30 day program. Discussed that the shakes provide all the nutrition you need. Aloe gel in the Cleanse liquid contains polysacarides.. toxin hunters that turn the...
Terry speaks with Peter and Scott about the difference in fat accumulation in men's and women's bodies, regardless toxicity is stored in your fat cells, and with the Gocleanse program fat is significantly reduced, therefore toxicity reduced.
Also they discussed that for optimum nutrition Gocleanse should...
Terry talked about a Hugh success story about Terry in Savannah loosing over 120 pounds since last October.
They spoke about different kinds of cleanses how they center around the particular parts of the body. Gocleanse is a cellular cleans the enhances the...
Terry Jaymes starts off with success story from cleanses..
Spoke with Scott and Terry about how cleansers claim that menopause systems were relieved with doing the gocleanse program.
Discussed about Omega 3's. Vitamin D3, and high blood pressure. Cleansers claim that cravings change when using...
Terry talks with Peter and Scott about how people become accustomed to our bodies being fatigued. Peter also stated that people do not realize how bad you feel until you realize how good you can feel with using the Gocleanse system...
Terry speaks to Peter and Scott about Cleanser's success stories. Peter commented about how people in general lack the knowledge to have a healthy lifestyle. Also how Gocleanse is out to change peoples lives one person at a time, with maintenance using Gocleanse. ...
Terry Jaymes again talks with Scott and Peter about cleansers success stories. Questions were answered about foods containing GMO's, other things such as Fructose etc. Also talking about how Gocleanse systems have transformed pro sport figures from a football regimen to a...
Terry shares more success stories from cleansers. Talked that Goclense is a lifestyle change encompassing a shake a day and a 2 day cleanse every 4 to 6 weeks. Peter stated that the Gocleanse system is an advanced nutritional technology, getting the best...