
The Program

GoCleanseBrianThe Program

The Deep Cleansing and Fat Burning System Overview

The program begins by following a very specific regimen that allows the body to begin cleansing on its own due to the high infusion of massive amounts of nutrients. The programs use one of the world’s rarest forms of whey protein from New Zealand where they do not use herbicides or pesticides and they use a low temperature pasteurization process. This process allows for over 20 amino acids to be preserved which assist the body in cleansing itself. The pasteurization process in North America uses a high heat process which destroys the key amino acids and enzymes in the protein.

The Cleanse Schedule

The programs follow two different types of days.

Shake Day Schedule

The purpose of Shake Days is to flood your body with nutrition and get your body ready to cleanse itself naturally. On these days you will drink a New Zealand Whey protein shake for breakfast, a healthy 400-600 calorie lunch (you WILL provide this meal), and then a second shake for dinner.

Cleanse Day Schedule

On Cleanse Days you switch to the liquid nutrition of the Aloe Vera based cleanse four times a day. At various intervals throughout the day you will drink water and have whey protein mini meal snacks, and take one of the super vitamins in the morning and in the afternoon.

Warning when you stand on the scale on the morning of your first weigh in (Day 5) you will think your scale is broken. We assure you it will not be. If you are like most of the cleansers you will have lost as much weight in those first four days as you have on any diet or exercise program in four to six weeks.

Now that you know the basics, you will be educated by your coach about other options to continue to help you achieve all of your goals. We are here to help you get the results you desire which may include gaining more energy, sleeping better at night, less discomfort, weight loss or regaining a feeling of youthfulness which you thought you lost.

There is no need to feel overwhelmed or nervous as; you will be assigned a nutritional cleansing coach, at no cost to you, who will offer support and guidance through each step of the program. They are here to educate and support you to get your best possible results in the shortest period of time. Once again, imagine losing as much weight in the first four days of this nutritional cleanse as on any conventional diet or exercise program in four to six weeks?

There are also over 70 trace ionic minerals. This protocol supplies your body with the nutritional equivalent of hundreds of individual essential ingredients which your body needs for optimal health and which today’s food supply chain fails to deliver.

GoCleanse Healthier Living
Are You Ready To Start Living Healthier…Longer?
OR CALL 1-877-220-2120

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